James' Music Studio

Brentwood - Franklin


Cat on Piano

Cat on Piano

Cat on Piano
Kittie pix courtesy of Dave Ahl

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My email for receiving funds is 88keys@pianomail.net
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Checks should be made payable to James Weinberg. If you need to mail a check, send it to:
520 Mansion Drive
Brentwood TN 37027

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One of my students, Jeffrey Zhang

Mr. James checking hand position

Jeffrey and Mr. James playing a duet

Duets help students hone their skills...

...and develop a sense of teamwork

We have a good time in piano class!

My thanks to Yinmei Li for these photos of Studio 21 and her Chinese commentary below.

自从2004年七月, 家鑫(Jeffrey)开始从师 于Belmont Academy的詹姆斯先生 (Mr. James)学习钢琴。最 开始担心家鑫可能不 喜欢,因为他以前的 老师是我们相识多年 的好友,且是个女老 师。没想到詹姆斯先 生风趣,温和,且有 耐心,家鑫很快就喜 欢上他的新老师。詹 姆斯先生愿意花好多 时间与家鑫双重奏, 给家鑫增加很多信心 。詹姆斯先生对中国 音乐艺术很感兴趣。 我希望能找到一些中 国传统歌曲让家鑫学 习。想象着他能用钢 琴演奏我所熟悉的传 统歌曲,真是为他感 到骄傲。谢谢你,詹 姆斯先生!

Jeffrey started studying piano with Mr. James at Belmont Academy in July 2004. I was not sure if Jeffrey would like his new American teacher. Jeffrey's previous teacher is a Chinese lady that we have known for several years. However, I found myself worrying too much. Mr. James is so good with kids. He is a very nice, patient, and encouraging teacher. Jeffrey likes him very much! Mr. James is willing to spend time to play duet with Jeffrey. That makes Jeffrey feel very proud of himself. Mr. James is very interested in Chinese music. I hope Jeffrey can learn to play some traditional Chinese songs too. Imagine that he is playing a Chinese song that I am very familiar with. I am so proud of him. Thank you for being an excellent teacher, Mr. James!


I use the Faber Piano Adventures method exclusively. For full details on this series, click here.
Mr. James is a registered Faber instructor; see The FJH Music Company's Teacher Locator

Cute Things Uttered by My Students